The Final Romance
Das Ende einer Romanze
José Carreras as Julián Gayarré
 "The Final Romance" is a dramatic reconstruction of the life of the 19th century Navarese tenor Julián Gayarre, who was considered the greatest tenor of his age. It is a dramatic reconstruction of the most important events of his artistic career linked by fictional episodes to form a biography that is part fact, part fiction. The story centers on Gayarre's love for his childhood sweetheart, Alicia. It is a passionate and tragically tender tale highlighted with musical excerpts from operas by Donizetti, Verdi, Bizet, Wagner and others. This production stars José Carreras as Julián Gayarre in one of his greatest feature film roles. Also featured are Sydney Rome, Antonio Ferrandis, Mario Pardo, Susana Campos and special guest star Montserrat Caballé. The music is performed by the Orchestra and Choir of The Teatre del Liceu under the direction of Romano Gandolfi.

Die letzte Romanze" des spanischen Tenors (Gayarre) schildert zum Teil die wichtigsten Stationen im Leben des spanischen Tenors Julián Gayarre, der im 19. Jahrhundert lebte. Der Erfolg und der Ruf dieses spanischen Sängers drangen weit über die Grenzen, und man darf ohne Übertreibung sagen, daß er als wichtigster Tenor der Welt seiner Zeit angesehen werden kann. Sein Ruhm und sein Name haben auch heute bei Musikliebhabern einen hervorragenden Klang.

Produced and directed by: José M.a Forqué
Screenplay: Hermógenes Sainz and José M.a Forqué
Musical direction: Antón García Abril
Consultant, opera scenes: José Luis Alonso
Director of photography: Alejandro Ulloa
Set design: Wolfgang Burman
Costume design: Juan Antonio Cidrón
Production mangager: Mario Morales
Editor: Mercedes Alonso
Sound mix: Eduardo Fernández
Make-up: Romana González and Antonia Segovia
Original music and Adaptations by A.G. Abril

Coproduced by: Orfeo, P.C.S.A. Euskal, Telebista TV 3 Televisió de Catalunya
Copyright Orfeo, P.C., S.A.-Madrid

a) Abridged version from "Kultur Video"
b) Unshortened version from TV 


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